Wellbeing and its types
Wellbeing is a state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. Wellbeing is defined as the experience of health, happiness and prosperity. It includes having sound mental health, high life satisfaction and a sense of meaning or purpose and ability to manage stress and anxiety.
The five ways of wellbeing developed by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) on behalf of the Foresight Commission, the United Kingdom are:
-Be active
-Keep learning
-Take notice
There are different aspects or types of wellbeing :
1. Emotional Wellbeing – Related to personal emotions and feelings.
2. Physical Wellbeing – Related to physical health and fitness.
3.Social Wellbeing – Inter-personal and intra-personal relationships.
4. Economic Wellbeing – Being financially capable and self-dependent.
5. Developmental Wellbeing – Related to growth and maturity.
6. Psychological Wellbeing – Related to mental health.
7. Life contentment - One is happy and contented in and with the life he or she has.
Though each one of them is equally vital, emotional wellbeing plays a significant role in the everyday life of an individual.
Let's understand more about Emotional Wellbeing.
EMOTIONAL WELLBEING is being able to manage our feelings, both pleasant and unpleasant ones, so they do not impact our life negatively. Emotional health influences other areas of life.
In simple words, emotional wellbeing can be defined as how we think, feel and connect to ourselves and others and how we understand the world around us.
Good emotional health and wellbeing are not only about feeling confident and happy, but it is also about being positively engaged with others and having high self-esteem.
Benefits of Emotional Wellbeing
1. Self-perceived health: Emotional wellbeing is about how one takes it on a day-to-day basis. If the person is feeling happy, then the emotional health will be useful, and if is unhappy or angry, emotional wellbeing shall be felt otherwise.
2.Meaningful relationships: When you have good emotional wellbeing, you will be able to connect with others and show empathy and compassion. You will be able to hold conversations and express your feeling well. Social connect will get better and better.
3.Higher self-esteem: Your thoughts, feelings and experiences influence the way you feel about yourself. It helps to see the best in you, despite the challenges you are facing.
4.Better productivity: An emotionally settled person will always be more productive as you will be free from any emotional stress. You will be able to give your 100% to the task at hand and yield the best results.
How to boost Emotional Wellbeing
1.Back to basics: Eat healthily, sleep well and work out. As a machine needs power, lubrication and maintenance to run smoothly, humans need food, rest and exercise to keep moving.
2. Learn about emotions: Learn to understand yourself. Have a control over your thoughts and mind, that is, stay emotionally balanced. Notice what makes you sad and what makes you happy and focus on the happier part.
3.Practice meditation and breathing exercises: Meditation helps to calm our mind and body. So, try meditating in a park, clean room or a peaceful place for 20 minutes every day. Breath like a dragon, exhale negativity like a dragon throws out the fire.
4.Practice self-appreciation: Have unconditional compassion and kindness towards yourself. Keep achieving short-term goals to reach the ultimate objective—Pat yourself on the back after each accomplishment. There is always the next day, so if you miss today, try completing the task tomorrow.
5. Put feelings into words: Try to express your emotions through words. It's better to talk it out rather than building up a mountain of emotions in heart and mind. Muster up the courage and talk to someone close to you about your feelings.
6. Find and create practices
Nurturing your mind is as important as nurturing your body, and it will make you better and able to handle whatever life throws at you. If you are facing anxiety or depression since long, take help of mental health professional.